Can Hail Damage on a Car Be Repaired? – Car Talk Podcast

There are a variety of hail damage that your vehicle may experience

Due to the severity of storm-related damage your vehicle may include multiple types. Certain types of damage can be fixed while other damage may be irreparable. It really comes down to the severity of the damage affected. These are just a few examples of hail damage that could encounter. One might initially think hail damage can be fixed on your car after an event. In some instances it is possible to answer that question. There are instances where the answer may not be true. Sometimes, you may just need to have your glass replaced.

Cosmetic Damage

The car’s exterior is damaged and could only require the help from an auto repair shop. It does not affect the capability for the vehicle to perform its duties. It only impacts the vehicle’s appearance. Ironically, dents can sometimes pop out when the destruction is caused by the heat of summer. This is not the norm, but the situation can happen. A professional will give you the most accurate advice in the process of repairing your vehicle.

Large Storm Destruction

A few storms may cause
