Why Is Groundwater Depletion an Issue? – Maine’s Finest

The water element is a vital component of nearly every living thing. Human beings, in particular, are composed in large part of water. It is essential to have sufficient water to sustain our lives. It is possible to suffer dehydration when we lack enough fluids. If this happens the result is headaches, dizziness and lightheadedness. A few studies show that more than half of the world’s people depend on groundwater for their drinking water. At times, this number could be higher because of the recent droughts. California is an excellent instance. In reality, however, groundwater is not a guaranteed thing. The video below will give more details about groundwater loss.

Groundwater is water that is located far below the subsurface in chasms, cracks and crevices. It is usually extracted using pumps and wells. But, the fact it’s located at a distance below the ground makes it difficult to quantify and comprehend. Most people do not realize the issue is with their ground water until it is already too late. Groundwater may be affected by near agricultural or industrial operations. The result is the loss of drinkable groundwater over a time. It is crucial that we take care to protect this important natural resource and understand the ways in which our actions may be affecting the environment.
